Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March 31, my first official blog

Hello, friends! I have decided to start a blog. Why, you might ask. Well it's certainly not because I think my life is full of extrememly interesting events. ;) But, according to my degree plan, somehow or another I am supposed to end up as a writer. So, I got to thinking about it. If I am serious about this writing business, then I am going to need a lot of practice, and not that boring stuff NWACC makes you do in Composition Two. Sorry, I appreciate Shakespeare, but seriously? Another paper analyzing his play The Tempest? Come on. So in an effort to encourage my creative mind, I have decided to commit to a daily blog. And as some of you know, I have commitment issues. So, I say a daily blog, but be forwarned, it will probably start off that way and migrate towards a few times a week. But I will give it my best effort!! So, what am I going to write in this daily (or not-so-daily) blog? It could be anything from what is going on in my life, to thoughts about serious issues, or just, as the title suggests, random rantings. So I hope you enjoy Life with Lil Lindsey-Lou. Check back often and please leave comments. I want to know what everyone thinks!!!

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