Thursday, April 9, 2009

Friend, friends, glorious friends.

So I realize I have neglected this blog for a few days, but in all fairness, I did warn you that I would. ;) Nonetheless, I am most grateful for the friends in my life that God has blessed me with. Just today,I signed onto facebook with two messages from some of my most treasured friends. I love them so much! Though God has taken all us to very different places, I know that each of these girls would have my back no matter what.

I am sad that I don't get to spend near as much time with them as I would like. Often times, I feel really alone because of where all my friends have ended up. My friend of wisdom and guidance, so you could say, is now living in Kansas. I love her dearly, and miss her gorgeous smile. It really does light up a room. My dear friend of comfort and a listening ear has such a crazy schedule, that it conflicts with my crazy schedule, and I unfortunately don't get to see her much. :( My giggle buddy and total goof ball friend is in Searcy where God called her to go to college. Though she gets to come up here occasionally, I so have had withdrawls from her this year. I was used to seeing her at least five days a week. It's weird how we take that time for granted and don't even realize. Thankfully, God has blessed me with my life long best friend who has practically been there with me since birth. I am thankful to get to spend time with this crazy girl!

To bring some sort of sense to this, today was one of those days where I just sort of felt alone. I have been really missing my friends and the time we used to get to spend together. Growing up is no fun! But somehow, in God's mysterious ways, a little encouragement is always sent my way. Today, it just so happened that encouragement came from a facebook message from my loyal friend, the giggle box.

Neely Ann- i miss you.
just sayin.
i will see you soon.
at least i hope.
you are wonderful.
your blog entertains me.
but that's not enough to satisfy.
i need some lindsey lovin' lol.

ps. remember those days of high school where we made fools of ourselves in musicals and such? spring sing is bringing back those good times. i wish you were on the stage with me.

I MISS YOU A TON!!but love you so much more!you are constantly in my prayers.
- Joshua 1:9

(which says, for those of you who may not know)
9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

So, even when I feel alone, and my friends may be far away, God is always with me. Wherever I may go.